
They are actually incredibly cringey to see in real life, and essential equipment for all the neck tattoo guys at my gym.

angry jeep eyes are dumb. about 30% of the jeeps in my area have the angry eyes grill kit and punisher logos. it’s like playing “spot the racist!”

Stop for a charge and a quickie.

Almost all squeaky floors are caused by the subflooring lifting slightly from the joists so that when you walk over it the nails push in and out of their holes. Soap in the cracks is not going to help that even a little, it’s not even going to reach where the squeak is, but on the upside you’ll have moist soap jammed

Yeah, I can’t imagine any automaker doing something like that today...

Going ~621,000 miles on the last battery pack is fairly impressive, if you ask me, and shows the evolution of Tesla’s battery pack as they get more long-term data back.

I’ll admit my comment was some nerd bait to see if anyone wanted to really get into the cost breakdown of the gas-powered car’s maintenance. I also had no clue a motor replacement ran $20k.

I can’t imagine any carmaker trying to get away with something like this today”

I’d like to be able to drive a car like this as an adult, without looking and feeling like a tool.”

I hope it will not be like that Hyundai. Can we please stop with those stupid pops and crackles? I’d like to be able to drive a car like this as an adult, without looking and feeling like a tool.

The Prius is old enough that workshop procedures and wiring diagrams should be easy to get for any competent auto shop.

For us, that was a local Pep Boys

In the long version of this story, Ross joked that the clerk would have given them a pass if it was John Stamos’ car.

Don’t think rust. Think oxygen rich.

Particularly a Ford. They always fuck up the first year models. 

Exactly. Though I will say, I’d expect better from a $60k vehicle. A couple friends have new Broncos and they’re hilariously loud, with an interior that looks 10 years old. Cool looking trucks, though, and they report that they at least have a bit of off-road chops.

I’m not sure what he’s complaining about here.

David “If the vehicle is less than 50% rust I don’t want it” Tracy and resident taillight scholar Jason Torchinsky are what keep me coming back to Jalopnik. 

It’s not turbo lag, that doesn’t even really exist anymore. Ford programs its truck transmissions very, very far in the direction of fuel economy, which makes them very excited about shifting up, and very reluctant to shift down. You can correct this simply by putting the transmission in sport, pushing the tow button,