
I’m most upset that he didn’t use one of those old-timey plunger things 

Pedant powers, activate!

Sir, Take your foot fetish to Jezebel. This is a family website.

This is essentially a repost bro.  The only significant change is you added the photo of the ‘wall of water’.  I like to call them waves.  You lauded the incredible images and gave one lame one.  Just saying.

Rory said you didn’t work here anymore. . . what’s up? 

Pirate Pao

see you still got the same old MySpace page working for ya

ABS was, indeed, previously standard.

An ad-free experience.

but I promise I’m not dead

lol, denial is not just a river in Egypt. This might be my favorite David stuff ever.

Hey Willy, BMW called (from the car) and they want their joke back.

We’re already halfway there. So many cars now require things be done with some sort of shockingly expensive scan tool that “available” in the same way that Ferraris are “available” to everybody. Luckily, in a lot of cases, intrepid hackers will write software to provide the same functionality as those scan tools for

VW having problems with electronics and software? Quelle surprise!

Yeah, the word “supposed” was jarring to me. Maybe meant to type another word?

I was expecting some juicy true crime details from “supposed wife.” Alas, all I found in other stories was that she stated she’s his wife and was trying to get him declared deceased because insurance companies for the plane and such were lighting her up.

ok so my challenge is to beat that deal.

Proprietary diagnosis and parts.

U-Haul not just rents trailers to them, but will even install the hitch and wiring to make it happen!