

Any car with a vanity plate that identifies the car:

For small fires.

All Both paying subscribers to MotorTrend+ are deeply disappointed.

Queue up pedantic know it all commenters on this article.”

Ohh...I read that wrong

“ … he claims there’s been a 10 percent increase in quality at Ford.”

The ads were all pretty forgettable and, like those goddamned Liberty Mutual commercials, would become annoying after showing up a lot … except for Toyota which shockingly emphasized what its product does.

These two (Motormouth)

Every goddamn Porsche Cayman review ought to include, “We went bowling.”

I’d expect the Southwest flight attendants to adopt the CHAOS strategy—intermittently walking off of flights just before boarding.

Love me some add-ons

Yeah, but this is a cover of a Lovin’ Spoonful tune.

There are 110,431 square miles in Nevada outside Las Vegas.

S9.6.2 Operating unit switch. The unit must operate independently of the ignition or equivalent switch. If the actuation of the hazard function requires the operation of more than one switch, a means must be provided for actuating all switches simultaneously by a single driver action.

“there is still a button for the emergency flasher”

Is Volvo really Swedish?

No seatbelts, after-market AC, vinyl that gives 3rd degree burns all summer, shitty AM radio, throw extra kids in the “back back” and let them fend for themselves…

I did the same, dolsh, buying a new 2014 Mazda3 i Grand Touring (6mt, $23,000) and haven’t found a new sedan worth trading up for (Lexus ES, Acura Integra, etc). They’re fine, but I like driving.