Fair enough (I read the IS has lousy leg-room, but haven’t sat in one), but the Integra, Stinger, Corolla—mostly sedans—mostly suck.
“Just Missed” but also “The company reportedly produced 24,337 vehicles” and “Rivian had originally forecast 2022 output at 50,000 vehicles before … a re-assessment of its potential in mid-2022.”
That lower clearance might be a problem in snow.
Perhaps the cyberattackers figured out how Continental can make better tires.
“The results showed that the ‘most prominent’ emotion experienced during the test was happiness, both by driver and passenger.”
Ohm my god, I resist getting watt on earth joule currently mean.
“What’s worse is that not many people know about the system because the state is keeping the information its collected close to its chest with an iron fist.”
“…the employees in question supposedly agreed in writing to settle legal matters in arbitration, not in court.”