
Almost everyone’s interiors.

Just Missed” but also “The company reportedly produced 24,337 vehicles” and Rivian had originally forecast 2022 output at 50,000 vehicles before … a re-assessment of its potential in mid-2022.”

Reminds me of this mind-bender

That lower clearance might be a problem in snow.

Perhaps the cyberattackers figured out how Continental can make better tires. 


Stop this Shiny Shit!!!

“The results showed that the ‘most prominent’ emotion experienced during the test was happiness, both by driver and passenger.”

from Urban Dictionary

C’mon DGUTS—Pay retail for once in your life (I did). Support writers.

Ohm my god, I resist getting watt on earth joule currently mean.


There should be a Special Edition in a certain color

“…the employees in question supposedly agreed in writing to settle legal matters in arbitration, not in court.”

I remember seeing boxes of these dropped or having one card out of order.

He slows down and three dudes catch him

I was excited about the Integra (placed one of the first 500 orders) but when I drove it just didn’t see the value. Even with no dealer mark-up the car is overpriced given its ordinary characteristics.