
Why do companies feel they have to react to these types of situations? All it did (as this article exemplifies) was magnify a horrible situation.

You should recommend a decent shoe for ~$80.

You should recommend a decent shoe for ~$80.

Never trust Carmax or Carvana David Tracy when it comes to their multipoint inspections. As long as it’s clean and moving a Jeep, they don’t look at much.

David Tracy and Torch would like a word with you.

Same car, two years later, 27% higher price.

That’s standard.

FFS, another Scooby Doo remake.

I’m not saying I liked you more when you were dead, but I made bank selling my copies of your zine while you were.

Proprietary diagnosis and parts.

Just in case he is gone, I put my five issues of his Zine up on Ebay!

Old NYC Taxis

Fair enough Innie, but getting towed is the only way Tracy vehicles can achieve MPG>10.

For the concerned, there are a few ways to defend against this kind of attack.

A Messy One