
This snippet of an article reads like the author heard about the show from a guy who read the wiki page.

Vaal hungers.

That's "ROCK it, Rockapella"…

Not for nothing, but this petition has come up the last couple of years. Whether or not it succeeds this year, who knows. A man has dreams.

It's been thirty-five years. If you didn't know the ending, you didn't want to.
While we're at it, it's a sled, He's posing as his mom, and it's turns out they were the same person all along.

The part that's the most ironic is The Doctor is offended that the Captain would destroy an entire planet and all its people to gain a treasure, but if Callufrax had not already been globally genocided and shrunk, it's exactly what he'd have had to do to retrieve the second piece of the Key To Time as it WAS the

That wasn't even an explanation as much as it was an extrapolation of how it works at EVERY college, real and imagined. Every college has a bar of club that the students feel "safe" at, and assume the teachers don't know about, not to mention a secretway off campus to get there. But they never give a thought as to

"How could those students get a pool table and a bunch of furniture in the boiler room without the administration knowing?"
They can't. All the administration were former students. They know where the Boiler Room is, and they know that it must never be touched. It is the No Man's Land that every college has. If

Thank you, question mark.

You beat me to it. "Turn-On" was a classic example of trying to catch lightning in a bottle twice.

Each of the "new" networks started off with a higher number of "black shows", then quickly tapered off as the more "mainstream" (read: white) audience found them. And most of the shows were damn near minstrel shows in how they portrayed black folks, at least from my not-black point of view. Lots of "urban" accents -

"dismissive generalizations about women—for instance, claiming they’re all basically from a different planet than men"

"dismissive generalizations about women—for instance, claiming they’re all basically from a different planet than men"

The fun part is, in all the various 12 Angry men pastiches you see on TV shows, there's usually NO attempt to convince the other jurors at all by the stand-out, usually a main character of the series.  They just sit there, metaphoric arms crossed, comically refusing to accept the facts, and someone just staggers into

The fun part is, in all the various 12 Angry men pastiches you see on TV shows, there's usually NO attempt to convince the other jurors at all by the stand-out, usually a main character of the series.  They just sit there, metaphoric arms crossed, comically refusing to accept the facts, and someone just staggers into

Joe Clifford Faust predicted this YEARS ago.