Vaum Ma

Having been on Tumblr, I can assure you had they portrayed Bruce Jenner (as she was known at the time), there would have been a zillion comments saying that they (the bloggers) really hoped this pissed off "sensitive snowflake SJWs who are looking to get offended by anything!" all while being really really offended.

Fuhrman actually collects (or at least collected at the time) Nazi memorabilia, though.
It's one of those things that if it was fictional, you'd say that's really lazy storytelling. I've thought that about several aspects of this show, actually. You find out something ridiculous and over the top is something that

Because as a Black woman for whom that word has been hurled at my entire life with hatred, I'm sick of white people "needing" to use it, because of A, B, C, oh, and hey, there's an addendum on B, what if A was ____?
Why the hard-on for using a racial slur?

You might want to ask yourself why non-Black people, especially white people, feel the need to find excuses to use the n-word.

You are so excited you got to say "the race card", aren't you, Linda?

"If someone collects Nazi memorabilia, does that mean they must be a white supremacist"

Seriously, if you're too racist to see a different in people reclaiming the word amongst themselves to deflect the sting and the hideous history of the word… wow. Also, you have never listened to rap music, aside from what Fox News has told you about Obama and Common.

Linda, I'm fairly sure there's a Breitbart board that would love to have you. Go there.

Linda needs to Google "tone+policing". Can't "you people" be nicer when talking about your horrific oppression? Geez!

"anger Blacks for complaining about their language"
Hey Linda, say hi to Mark Fuhrman for us at the next Klan meeting.

Not if you're Seth MacFarlane, apparently (or many of the writers he's employed). Or Daniel Tosh. Or Jim Norton. Or…. [depressing list of male comics that appreciating using rape against anyone but particularly women as a punchline]

Actually, white and non-white applied to Jewish people in America, for one:
"White" has always been an exclusionary concept, thus why people who would, perhaps by today's standards be considered white, like Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans, were not always considered that way:

"I get that it's probably an artefact of slavery and historical US race
relations that you see everything in terms of black and white, but stop
projecting that onto everybody else, who do not all have the same racial
narratives or history."

Upvoted for What the fuck are fairies.

I saw that and I'm fairly sure Dr Tyson wasn't co-signing using Somali child victims as to way to silence people's genuine fear and concern. Whenever people use "Well, what about third world countries!" to silence people, it reads as "Shut up until it's as bad as it is in a third world country."

If this is true, which I doubt, I hope you keep the "rather strained expression" from your face when dealing with people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ+, the disabled, and people dependent on the ACA who are all genuinely and legitimately scared for their safety, especially the people who have already been the victims of

Yeah, no one ever wished repeatedly for Obama's death or joked about it repeatedly, or wait, what was that Presidential candidate that suggested "second amendment people" "do something" about his opponent. Oh wait, it's the guy who won the electoral college and is the President elect!

Man, if only that were true of some folks in this comment section alone.

"Using a verb as an adjective just sounds wrong from a grammatical
viewpoint. Broken English doesn't make you sound intelligent or help
people understand you are philosophically superior"