
The Texas Monthly article and this article amplifying it are lazy and poorly researched. They make no attempt to report on the litter and destruction left behind every week. They don’t report on the reckless driving that occurs all over the neighbor hood on Sunday as a result of this event. I live a block away. Ten

We’ve brought our 15 month old on Lyft Plus several times (with our car seat). Every time, the drivers are extremely aware of how to safely secure our car seat, very cautious on where they drop us off, and proud parents of kids themselves. I’m skeptical of the ride shares and TNCs in genral but the actual people

Austin to Ft. Davis, more times that I can count in the last ten years. Podcasts no doubt are the best way. Listening to “Serial” was about the only time I vaguely looked forward the the 6.5 hour sit.

Cooled and/or air conditioned steering wheel?


On a bicycle, pretty much anytime you pass cars stuck in traffic is invitation for a road rage attack. The other day, on my way to work, passed a fancy-man truck on the right as he waited at a light for a car ahead of him to make an unprotected left turn. Apparently, this was the trigger for a guy in a dress shirt

I generally only drive a 7 hour trans-texas cannonball for work, every few weeks, in rental cars. The new Ford Explorer and GMC Yukon with air-conditioned seats are a game changer. Increasing the airflow in the crotch area would be an improvement. If the airflow was reversed, drawing air past your crotch and out of

This article suggests taxi-compny campaign donations to mayoral candidate Mike Martinez makes city council beholden to the taxi companies. But Martinez lost the mayor’s race and is not on city council.