
According to this Washington Post article, Colson got it from the Green Berets. If you think they got it from Churchill, I'd love to see a connection.

The caption to a cartoon kept in the office of Charles Coulson, special counsel to President Richard Nixon.

"When you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."

I totally agree on the reasons why it is absurd Chris would have used Regan as a way to make money. Just totally not Chris McNeil.

Cool. I haven't been able to watch the show much due to Fox's lousy captioning.

With the permission of their bishop. Have we seen them ask for it yet?

The sports broadcaster guys near the start of the episode mentioned something about Ginny winning her last three starts. So I'm guessing she's pitched four times now in all. With the usual rest in between starts, that'd be what? Twenty days since she played her first game?

That would be just awful.

I absolutely agree about missing the first MLB at-bat. Just a glaring mistake there.

Like I said, I don't mind loose ends. I do mind when those loose ends lose much relation to each other.

Dan was the public face of the basketball team, a team whose members had just been implicated in a hate crime and who had previously been implicated in drug fueled parties and a possible rape. No way Dan stays on.

I certainly agree that American Crime is all about characters and not about neat resolutions. But this episode just didn't feel to me like any of the subplots had any relationship to each other except in the most superficial ways Sebastian was off doing his own thing. Chris Dixon and Marshall kind of got pulled

In a way, this is definitely Felicity's show. Her performance is awesome. Leslie is such a weird character On the one hand, she seems to detest the things she has to do (all that hand washing early in the season), but on the other, she obviously thrives on these crisis situations where she uses things like the

I don't know how that would work in the framework of the show though. Peter goes to public school, doesn't he? With so much riding on the element of Leyland School suffering the fallout, how would shooting Peter work?

I remembered enough of my high school Spanish to get through closed captioned dialogue..

That is something a bit forgotten, I agree. The opening episodes portrayed Dan and the winning team as one of the main faces of the school. If they had been losing, the dynamic would have been totally different.

More than verbally, didn't Wes push him around a little?

Yeah, obviously not the same exact thing, but it's what came to mind. Another example that fits closer than either Reds or When Harry Met Sally… is China Beach, the episodes where interviews with nurses were interspersed.

The first thing that came to mind when that teacher from Columbine appeared was, "witnesses" from Reds with Warren Beatty and Diane Keaton. Powerfully done there, powerfully done here.