
the tentacles are mostly because they couldn't use penises, and there is plenty of hentai with full consent on both sides. It's just not at the forefront of the internet

no idea, but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest

I feel so bad for butters, that town puts that kid through so much

Most of it is NSFW, and has a lot of borderline and out right sexual assault. It mostly functions as an outlet for Japanese women with dominant sexual tendencies/fantasies. Being sexually aggressive as a women is very much frowned upon in Japan. It also works a shield for women who don't want to get harassed in

I saw it as pink panther the second the swords came out, and I was born in 91

Solid first episode, decent mystery plenty of show not tell. It's from the guys who made start gate so they know how to if you liked that show you should like this one.