Vassago Gamori

Curbstomp Your Thieving Enthusiasm that statement wasn't.

Its just too darn taxing for poor evil coward Lil' Turd Fraudlyboy to talk about anything beyond himself.

You go skipping and prancing through life, skipping through a field of dandelions. But what you don’t see is that on each dandelion is a bee, and on each bee is an ant, and the ant is biting the bee and the bee is biting the flower, and if that shocks you then I’m sorry.
You have never had to struggle to put food on

We used to laugh at Grandpa when he'd head off to go fishing. But we wouldn't be laughing that evening when he'd come back with some whore he picked up in town.

I want you to clean yourself. For I will enter you hard, and deep, and it will last for as long or as short as I please. But you will be clean. Only when you are clean will you know my power.

You’ll be a fitting reward for me after I win the big race. ‘Til then—Doreenmcoxiana, I want you to clean yourself. For I will enter you hard, and deep, and it will last for as long or as short as I please. But you will be clean. Only when you are clean will you know my power…

Maybe the Boller feels folks are being too hard on him when he just really wants to firm up a wider audience for his dicpix, expand his opportunities to thrust any conversation back to his penis, his mighty, mighty, photogenic penis…

Some other creature gets discovered better get named after his moles.

He does have a steady supply of spiders and flies rupturing forth from the nesting pustules all across his skin, so at least he's not letting them go to waste.

Only members of the fraternal order of police suffering from fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva use Fop nowadays.

Shall shill's hornswoggled warbling of whats its wiggle down wobbly hoosegow dancing on hot hands of rot plans made by stool fuel skankworks few for new long lean bone job room of doom rules with turdvender burgeoning turgidity cobblesquats plophallowed in quiet nowhere view?

So is the header picture him refuting the claims, cuz he's braggin' about having a two foot long ding-dong?

(…hope that's enough of a shield to

That didn't seem like a freakout.
Angry yeah, but regulated venting, with a calculated showmanship in mind while indulging the anger.


He's the love child of Richard Grieco and Charles Krauthammer.
…and his wetnurse was a Scarface-size pile of cocaine.

After a night of snorting coke with the Mooch, Trump was seen stumbling about the Oval Office with his underpants around his ankles, muttering something about a lost Ivanka mask and: "fuckabee a greasy squeeze on jammy dodger, she don't sweat much for a fat lass…"

You're not alone.
All the world's waiting for her, and the power she possesses.
The world is ready for her, and the wonders she can do.
All our hopes are pinned upon her…
…and I'm In my satin tights.

My favorite thing is his name rhymes with dick moss.