Vassago Gamori

Grodd only knows.

Foxx Fuxx Faxx Fixx

Hunt an Uncle Ben and then get eaten by a Hulk…
…hakuna matata, circle of life.

Poundfoolish whispers: "they beg, Georgie, and when you’re down here with me, you’ll beg, too…"

…menopausal Barthelema disregardians of rooles playing with abandon in expanse of wordworlds is more fun though…:-)
Or a long sentence moving at a certain pace down the page aiming for the bottom-if not the bottom of this page then some other page-where it can rest, or stop for a moment to think out the questions

For a nominal additional surcharge, an ancillary flexible tributary can be routed from the main channel directly to your belly.

Indeed the times for Wacken may predate August into numbering dozens throughout June and July.

Anthems to the Lawrence Welkin at Dusk!


Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
All the world's waiting for you,
and the power you possess.
In your satin tights,
Fighting for your rights
And the old Red, White and Blue.
Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
Now the world is ready for you,
and the wonders you can do.
Make a hawk a dove,
Stop a war with love,
Make a liar tell the truth.

I'd rather pretend he was absolutely throwing his shit like an ape & the dungwads went plinko all over the PriceIsRight set and audience.

Rememba those wood shingles, old-school mall days?
I always had an urge as a kid to light 'em on fire.

…is that a hybrid of conspiracy hobbyists and conspiracy hobbitses?

Sorry gents, takes more than bouncing boobies on beaches to facilitate tittering and make the boys go sproingo these daze.

Tales by men not dead which end eternal lie,
And with stranger tides even Depp don't die…"

You made me smile when i was a kid.
Rest well, Roger, rest well.
Tonight i knew carnal delights,
so maybe perhaps
i mighta rogered more in your honor…

Canis lupus in carnivore waltz…blood upon illuminated dance floor, screams fade to gurgle…

Pee-Pee & Poo

Fall on the sword for your lunatic king tootsweet, jughead jackanape blithidiotic jester; enjoy suckling AgentOrange's balls, flustered footstool fuckbucket.

…two more of these things, we can all sail the seven C's.