Vassago Gamori

Yet John Titor II tells all…

Ray Bradburied !!

Twitter shitter lil fingered czar
Putin pooped you where you are…

There's nothing you can do but play the game and seek joy where you can.

The Lust Judy's new star will be parted with great insistence.

Modern Bride of Anne Frankenstein

Rock you like a hurricane baby.

Well, to be fair, even among "strangers"-when you make suicidal threats in a public space, it makes shockwaves for those regulars who still have that empathy thang going.

I hope we get a confrontation between mother and son during TLJ.
Maybe Carrie goes in a bacta tank at the end of 8 and Joely Fisher comes out in 9.

Why must all roads now eventually lead to Nazi?

I am become Sam, the fucker of mothers.


That escalated fast.

Bet he won't like the matador and castrating rancher sculptures either.

I hope he's billed Dolphun Grendl.

You're confusing them with the Yesfuckhellions.

Fart Earth.

Was her lightsaber a 'lil one that looked like a red dick lipstick?

But who, pray tell us folks, who will be the one person who is really gonna wanna wipe poo off butthole with Bill's face?

They all do that in Furious F8te.