Vassago Gamori

Quite the percolating slurry of vile rancidity, that stew…

…nor noodles made of laces.

Eastwood would never let Clyde drive, would he?

Some preliminary logistical analysis indicates he could possibly fit into a cargo plane, an Airbus Beluga, for a recreation of Operation Dumbo Drop.

Your mother is sturdy, with much strength and endurance.

Rett Bratner is The Assman.

…Beast hound and clown, cokeloaded up and fuckin',
he gonna do what they say can't be done.
He got a long way to go using short fingers to get there.
He beast clown, just watch ol' Twittler run….

Stay orange ponyboy, stay orange!

Also, Maximum Overdrive somehow fits into this burning metaforest…

He's no suave Count Truckula that's for sure; may be a retarded lunatic Swampclog Monster though.

Cardaver & Ambula conjure a trio of motorized hellions in a junkyard mechorgy?

Your post made me think:
There's just got to be a Count Truckula somewhere in that show.
…so checked out the wikipage and smiled to see Tracula & his son Alucart mentioned.

When was a kid, thought Bob Eubanks looked like the Sub-Mariner.

…not so very kinda like a dog with seven pupils in its eye,
but kinda like a madness that refuses to subside…

Assive sextinction eventures?

Does this involve a dim-witted genetic atrocity with a raging hard-on farting out golf balls at nuns?

…there on the bookshelf, a copy of Freak Show.
Think I'll take it down and reminisce a spell about all the delight your masterful craft and deep dark art brought to me since childhood.
Rest well, Mr Wrightson, rest well.

"The world is my toilet."

The Crimson King may have brainfuqued you somewhere out beyond the forbidden perimeter…;-)

Dark Towers are toothpicks after devouring universes without end…