Vassago Gamori

Maybe he'll be better in JL?
By the end of that tedious bVs, at least he was bald and serious, so possibly will nix that manic wiseass persona?

Have a whole bunch of good times, good AVC peoples.

I love you Carrie Fisher.

There are not many persons who know what wonders are opened to them in the stories and visions of their youth; for when as children we listen and dream, we think but half-formed thoughts, and when as men we try to remember, we are dulled and prosaic with the poison of life. But some of us awake in the night with

Make slow sweet love to cancer for spasmodic orgasmic sexual healing…

Hunter of the shadows is rising…

That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

Unfortunately, since you shared something personal, with emotional nuance, some blunted mocking sub-trog pig-dolt will come along to insult it…

There does not seem to be more to you than money.

I love you Carrie.

You timed it right…didn't have to wait 25 years between season 2 and 3…;-)

''Mediocrities everywhere…I absolve you…I absolve you…I absolve you…I absolve you…I absolve you all."

Hey, this Pez dispenser is packed with dingleberries. Where's the fun in that?

"Mahreeuhh, shhtop vhining. Vy yoo naht fuhind eet harowzing venn i purobe yor shhpinktah? "

…yes, yes, with his ding dong in Hong Kong while he sing song wearing a thing thong.

…yet even the most refined cannibal's palate finds it hard to discern flavor differences between white baby veal and asian baby veal.

"We can totally email and we can be private!"

…or a gangster recognizing another gangster and wanting to get profitable gangster shit done?

Like M&M's through Jesus' stigmata, so are the days of our lives…

Good to hear.
Feel for yah, man.
And quite moved by responses from all the AVClubbers who do as well. Really makes this place a special cut above from other sites where a certain coldness sometimes seems to run rampant.