Vassago Gamori

While 2017 maniacally chuckles:

…also, his personal hygiene is beyond reproach.

Pep-pep asks: "who drank too much tequila and fouled up the shitter now?"

coming soon:
Manhard Partytrain
John Barrowman and Andrew WK
make piles of smiles together…

…and then scrambled punsishments await.

Uhnd vehr vill be za sexumhaus for da shtupping?

Its a burgeoning economy.

…atop a high pile of bodies in a frenzy, syringes raining down, frightened howling for the imminent return of Jesusaurus?

…not the one with giant bald eagle firing laser beams from its eyes at turban wearing Godzilla with gun barrel eyes?

…sad eyed clowns shed tears from the sidelines while wide eyed children read comic books and a rainbow arc of Evel Kneivel jumping covers it all.

…without purpose roaming through the Gallery of Machines in the Land of Robots?

What was it when it was where who did?

…always the Airing of Grievances with this Four Year Festivus fanatic.

Look forward to his full on psychotic break upon the global stage

…would-be super-villains Orange Snowflake and Pensive Porcelain.

Placate the attention addicted emotional ego vortex vampires in the public eye?
Rather enjoy the asinine mental spasms and unhinged vocal vomit tantrums instead.
Best and most expensive psychdocs are at his fingertips whenever he wants.

Eventually Bannon will be canon in the annals of the tale…

Dweller and Feeder.

"Into the garbage chute, flyboy !"