Vassago Gamori

…and they can twist their dicks together like Wacky Straws; those whimsical sipping devices designed to amuse children!

Well, the girls would turn the color of the avocado when he would drive down their street in his El Dorado. He could walk down you street and girls could not resist his stare…

Ah, tears…

Pitt, Depp and Pratt…

…quite complementary and additive to the spirit of jocularity!

T'was more so the sowing of Joyce Carol's Oates…

What you put in your toilet, I place on my mantle.

…stop taking that Viagra?

…many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.


Don't let the door hit yah where the good lawd split yah LeeLee, yah stupid shythead on a stick in an apecage…;-)

You should go eat another shyt sandwich; squeeze that brain anus of yours some more, yah sputtering fecal pile…;-)

…gentle empathetic embrace across the ether for a stranger who opened up.
(and hope that no a-hole takes your sharing as an opportunity for mockery)

Thought that since yah found Jesus and got on those meds, you had put those sorts of behaviors behind you.

Some girls sticky fingers let it bleed undercover dirty work; their satanic majesties request a bigger bang; beggars banquet tattoo you black and blue emotional rescue…

…as i mentioned earlier, my status as drunkard, and my vomiting in your Land Rover Range Rover, but is only fair to admit i also micturated inside your vehicle…

< spoiler > I drank too much and well, vomited in your Range Rover < /spoiler >

Muslin and Linen are fabrics one can believe in, yet also remain polyester atheist..

Some questions need not answers.
I do not like this poo thing of which you speak.