Vassago Gamori

I love you Dr. Zaius !

…on the other hand, its important to see that every mushroom cloud has a silver lining.

Maybe it'll be a full on Magnum: The Next Generation situation.
T.C.'s daughter flies choppers for Island Hoppers & Rick's daughter now runs the King Kamehameha Club.
With periodic strategic guest appearances from all three Dads.

…ain't no fairy story,
ain't no skin and bones;
but you give it all you got
weighin' in at nineteen stone…

I know what i want her to wear.

Chortle and guffaw.
Do you pronounce that the jest of the season?

With all them exclamation points and laughing, your ass must really have jarred its way loose out of your colon…;-)

…arrogance without the cleverness to back it up, a dull hostile bluster lacking even minor entertainment such tactics sometimes provide.

…haven't checked in over there in quite a while.
What's the summary on the change-up?

…i wouldn't mind seeing a Superman in full on Space Death God mode swooping in and exterminating 75% of the human meatshitskincrabs off the face of this lovely planet..;-)

Rudd's pud plowed your bung in a not altogether pleasant way?

He always feels that unidentifiable panopticon gaze.

Light up, you're smoking for two now…

…Moreover, Cheryl Hines directorial debut was Serious Moonlight.

"There's just one thing, Dude…
…Do you have to use so many cuss words?"

…cast out from the heavens to the ground
Blackened feathers falling down
You will wear your independence like a crown
…It is a long way down
In your empire
They stare and frown
From the pinnacle
To the pit…

…don't even bother engaging with that one, quick hostility and smug insults appears to be all it is capable of.

—accumulatory auditory vomitorium obsessional confessional regressional—
! ! ! : Myth Takes
ABACUS: Listen or Pose [sampler]
ACCEPTANCE: Undone [promo]
ACID BATH: When the Kite Strings Break, Paegan Terrorism Tactics
ACEPHALIX: Interminable Night
ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY: Against the Grain, The

I scribbled down "Jerkules" in a notebook 30 years ago…
…some trifle:
The Twelve Labors of Jerkules
"As you can see, i have packed your stables with even more shit than ever before !!!"

I'm not afraid anymore !