Vassago Gamori

…he'll do what he wants,
and don't care what they think,
he pisses in the fridge
and shits in the sink…

Damn Turd Pol
on a
Damp Dolt Run,
Mad Runt Plod
Odd Lump Rant
of a
Mud Trod Plan
Dump Rot Land…

… and from somewhere Ted Cruz plunges into scene bellowing for his two dollars.

Strong men also die.

Horror is the new humor.

His mother had an affair with a traffic cone.

…or genius dungarees.


It is the convergence mobius ouroboros of the observer and the observed, the devoured and the devourer—the Voight of the void reflecting back at us our fate as food, acknowledging the ice cubes of our frozen souls, our pointless existence engulfed into the cosmic punchlines of short little lives…

Anyone else weary of the word "basically?" Or that other weaselly overused winner: "clearly?"

Leto and Trump. Rapists of young females.

Perception is Leto has gotten away with the reality of raping underage girls ?

Rom-com or rape-com ?

Go Gibbons, go.

All movies seem so tame in comparison to the reality of the splatterpunk world we live in…

The film shall be henceforth known as Sewerslide Squat.

Sewerslide Squat

…maybe this time, they'll be vociferously lock-steppin' about The Great Trumpkin using the nukes, cuz hey man, we got em, why not use 'em.

…maybe this joker is feelin' that powerful hankerin' for the opportunity to start rapin' him some of them there underage "groupies" again.
Is he a "Method" rapist?

Wipe them out. All of them…