Vassago Gamori

"…needs to be fired…"
You said that twice.
It's 21 hours later, do you still take such deep personal umbrage that yah still think someone should be fired over some ephemeral promo pic that didn't tickle your fancy?

He should replace that Cavill unit.

…and check out that ass !
It is super…

Now that you've put it that way, i can sure see how such a prodigious blur of spidery adventures would be hard to totally recall…
Spider on, man !

Next offering: Vince Neil's very special How To Kill Your Buddy And Get Away With It kit…

Which gets me pondering. Does Jared Leto get a pass for raping underage girls, just cuz they are "groupies?"

…or the opening credits.

I'm starting to doubt you are the real Spider-Man.
Do you not recall that whole team-up you had with the good Doctor concerning a Serpent Crown affair ?

Lake Victoria by The Sweet Clementines…esp. the final track on the album: A Waltz for Matt Coleman

"No time for love Dr. Jones."

And somehow that cake was left out in the rain and you'll never find that recipe again ?

Klink's Corpse Tour 2017 brought to you by Pokemon Go?

I like to pretend a typo, and he meant to say "watchable, never boring."

Yep. Comic book Indy had thought balloons paraphrasing that while he was strapped to the periscope with his ever useful whip…

"…we have to wonder about things like how Indy stayed on top of a Nazi submarine for as long as he did."
He strapped himself to the periscope with his whip and lucked out that the sub didn't go deep.
[IIRC from the Marvel comics adaptation]

Perhaps these twittershit shittertwits are just not man enough for Megaforce…

New Aeon Foetal Cyber-Cthulhu feeds upon us all…

"Chachi banged my mom in a toilet stall for God and country like a real American, while Whoopi made woopie with Ted Danson in blackface while wearing a nuns habit. Sad."

Detective Chimp and John Constantine…

If its wrong to have breastsex with Oprah while Steadman watches and silently cries then i don't want to be right…