Vassago Gamori

"I know you are but what am I?"
"It's not me, it's you."
How defiantly asinine and transparently willfully dismissive can these bozos get?

Many are blind to nuance and shades of gray; it gets so demoralizing…

Its false flags flying all the way down that road to hell…

Cool. Now make me a sharkwolfcondor. Want to introduce my new pet to some folks…

Posts such as these are a sublime and delightful find for readers and writers alike; they entertain and elevate, taking the seed of the notion into fruitions of story in a concise masterful picture painting precise way that is refreshing among the vast wasteland of Internet comments that are frequently banal trifles

Cocaine & F'in just might be what the Doctor prescribes as a cure for sadness…

Cop made a ho suck his cock,
exchange for a small chunk of rock.
She said, "I'll tell"
He said: "like hell,"
and blew up her skull with his glock.

Enjoy that beach and shut off the ugly outside world for a spell..

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest…

Derf Turds' Pimp Triscuit ?

Uncle Joe was the preacher of the family. He used to tell us we were going to hell if we didn't repent. After we all repented, he said we were going to hell if we didn't buy him a new car. After we said we weren't going to buy him a new car, he said we were going to hell if we didn't get him a big glass of lemonade

Does "Bust" now refer to having chosen to follow the breasts, boobs, juggs, funbags, twin peaks, [call these wonderful things what you may]—bosoms of our future Madam President ?

It's fascinating to think that all around us there's an invisible world we can't even see. I'm speaking, of course, of the World of the Invisible Scary Skeletons…

…the stool soiled his dungarees…

That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

"…buxom gal, lots of moxie, quail of a sweater girl…"

Death prefers to make love, all the time, for forever…

…nice work on that three-way with Ming Roxburrow & Peter Torque.

Absolute mastery over narrative slow burn and judicious cathartic character driven carnage Breaking Bad had.