Vassago Gamori

The Tomorrow Marshals bagged this fugitive 10 years ago when he pulled that Quip Bootstrap Gambit at the Karaoke Bar on the Edge of Forever; Titor was so emotionally caught up in a medley of 'Time After Time' and 'We've got all the time in the world.' he never saw it coming, even though he'd went through it all

…sounds like the Real Deal, now get with the crizappy taste of Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor. Rocket Fuel’s got the upstate prison flavor that keeps you ugly all night long! So when you wanna get sick, remember–nothin’ makes yo’ feet stank like Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor! Damn, it’s crizappy!!

…ah yes, the Fucktronic Combobulator; meatpeople start your engines, the red race is mandatory for the grand machine is hungry for more puppets to grind thru the vast bowels of feeding on dreams.

All that is required is to ask yourself two questions:
Do I fuck it or kill it ?
Do I fuck it then kill it ?

Oh my Father, Lord of Silence, Supreme God of Desolation, though mankind reviles yet aches to embrace, strengthen my purpose to save the world from a second ordeal of Jesus Christ and his grubby mundane creed. Show man instead the raptures of Thy kingdom. Infuse in him the grandeur of melancholy, the divinity of

A lot o' people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch o' unconnected incidents 'n things. They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice o' coincidence that lays on top o' everything. Give you an example; show you what I mean: suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly

Ya know, I sure do like a girl with nice tits like yours who talks tough and looks like she can fuck like a bunny. Do you fuck like that? Cause if ya do, I'll fuck ya good. Like a big ol' jackrabbit bunny, jump all around that hole. Bobby Peru don't come up for air.

…You want to know who told us where it was? Your god-damned brother.

." of the people who kills everyone, one of the people who dies, or one of the melancholy innocents who then gets to monologue about the hard world we live in…"
Welcome to Earth, play your part meatpeople.

Once you leave Node Prime of your birth world, dabbling in time travel is a one way clustermess lost amongst the parallels, no later regret for indulgences of wanderlust, if you merely accept beforehand you are never going to make it "home."

Electric penis-faced rats performing a proctocolectomy no less.

One of the reasons the Mets suck is because they drove their pet giraffe mascot into that low tunnel and decapitated it.

Please sing us 'Faith Of The Heart' now gentleman.

Nazarene, charlatan, what can you offer humanity? Since the hour you vomited forth from the gaping wound of a woman, you have done nothing but drown man's soaring desires in a deluge of sanctimonious morality. You've inflamed the pubertal mind of youth with your repellent dogma of original sin. And now you absolve in

Neighbors of the Beast, Disciples of the Watch- I stand before you; in the name of the one who was cast out from heaven, but is alive in me. I command you now to seek out and destroy the Nazarene child. Slay the Nazarene and I reign forever. Fail, and I perish. Slay the Nazarene and you, my disciples, shall truly