
Found Dwight Schrute.

You try rioting when you’re starved and there are massive troops standing in your way! Zombie Terminator Clegane can probably take on hordes of malnourished townsfolk.

Best way to survive? Lay low and don’t be anywhere near the Iron Throne.

PS4 deal is dead

PS4 deal is dead

Seriously. I can’t believe an article is written about how to get internet and it didn’t include battery backup. My battery backup will power my modem for a good 3-4 hours since I’m not plugging in my desktop + monitors to it. I’m fine using my laptop or phone for that time.

You do know that most ad blockers also block these commercials right?

They definitely should have driven slower, but the reason people are mainly blaming the Comcast workers (besides the fact that people just blatantly hate Comcast) is that they broke OSHA rules. These are legal rules that they should abide by and may have very well prevented this if they followed it.