Check-out my pic! I’m living large (and I’m a poor so probs those prices are out the poor’s league).
Check-out my pic! I’m living large (and I’m a poor so probs those prices are out the poor’s league).
I hope Mother is tagging along to chaperone Pence and Ivanka’s little field trip. Wouldn’t want anyone cutting in on Daddy’s territory.
PSA: For those of you who are looking for solid alternatives to Decium products, the incredibly helpful people on Skincare Addiction have compiled a list:…
Yep, you got it. I think it would be a bad thing for serial rapists to be caught. Firmly on Team Serial Rapist, here.
It would be solved if they had access to decent sex ed (that is not just abstinence) and birth control options, but that is rarely the case.
“Got a name picked out for this one, Brittany?” the nurse asked.
I’m from the middle of nowhere South. And I can’t help thinking, all this would be solved if people would fucking use birth control and stop having babies when the community is dirt poor and those kids are just going to grow up suffering.
Also: “And our continent was tamed by farmers.”?? Genocide and deforestation = “taming.” Farmers: Continent Whisperers.
I just want to send a shout out to the Jezeverse. I come here on Saturday night to hear some good conversation and to learn more about the world. Your collective stories are enlightening, touching, and inspiring, and I appreciate you all very much.
Now that Billy Graham is dead Ian McEwan might be the whitest fiction peddler alive.
I’ve seen some commenters here say that the fact that Woody “only” molested one child is somehow enough evidence that he didn’t even do that. I think this is Law and Order: SUV’s fault.
Bret Stephens is the climate denying shitbag whose NYT hiring made me stop subscribing. Now he’s branching out into Dylan Farrow denying. Figures.
It reminded me of the great poem Calvin Trillin wrote addressing how many Hollywood types champion Roman Polanski:
I can’t believe the editor of the NYT actually let this shit fly. That is one of the single grossest arguments I have ever heard in my entire life and it’s so intellectually and morally vacant that it blows my fucking mind. I would say that I hope the author is ashamed of himself for writing this, but I genuinely…
What is he actively doing to do better? Is he going to therapy, taking classes? Knowing that you’re a fuck up, won’t stop you from fucking up. The issues aren’t so much that you can’t give him a chance to change, it’s more that you won’t give yourself a chance to meet someone new. Maybe pushing yourself to go on dates…
Never wait for anyone to change. Never go into a relationship thinking they’ll change. Accept them for who they are now or you’ll resent them. Good luck.
I just have to share that today is the first day of my life where I felt completely content.
Wow, I did not know that they adopted 2 daughters. The one on his left, our right - she does not appear comfortable with him at all.