I’n not terribly interested in an anime girlfriend, but I’d pay good money for a GLaDOS model with full snark abilities.
I’n not terribly interested in an anime girlfriend, but I’d pay good money for a GLaDOS model with full snark abilities.
Like a mix between Her and the Black Mirror Christmas Special, the Gatebox is a creepy personal assistant that puts…
Trion Worlds’ voxel-based MMORPG Trove is now in free open beta on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. All progress from the beta will carry over when the game officially launches in early 2017. Check out the Trove website for more details.
Good thing there’s no Clefairy for now.
Nintendo is notorious for surprising players with games that fall on both sides of the fan service spectrum. Whether…
TTG deserves to die in a fire. every single time i watch it there is no humor
0/10 no waluigi frozen yogurt
In a general election between all 720 Pokémon in Japan, the winners were announced tonight in Tokyo. Greninja came…
Because Hatsune Miku Project Diva Future Tone & Project Diva X are coming to PS4 soon!
This is some obvious right wing propaganda; everyone knows Trump doesn’t have a heart.
This is so fake. Donald Trump has no heart.
When there are no Pokémon centers nearby, the battle-weary Pokémon plops on the ground to take a breather between…
this has to be one of the best kotaku pieces I’ve seen in a while, very heartwarming.
I looked into my girlfriend’s eyes as I reached out to gently touch her face. In that moment, I felt something. A…
Hardcore fans of Japanese virtual idol Hatsune Miku have already picked up a copy of Project Mirai DX for the 3DS—man…
"I would throw the game boy out in a second and play ipad"