
What kind of cracked copy did you get?!

Only comic characters? Yuck.

You forgot the Vanillite line. which is ice cream.

How to play Pokemon Go

“Blaziken, Aggron,”

Second one is “NICE TRY ASSHOLE”

10/10 I liked that the fake codes spelled “NICE TRY ASSHOLE” and “FUCK OFF”

0/10 no waluigi frozen yogurt

But can you watch Youtube/visit Reddit or Kotaku/play games on it?

But somebody would have to write witty dialogue for Callie and Marie to say. and that could take some time to write.

What? are you kidding? okay. a burger with just beef and cheese is boring. but a burger with beef. cheese. and KETCHUP is where its at. AW YEAH THATS THE REEEEEEAL SHEEYUT BABY GIVE IT TO ME

Out of all the CN franchises. Why TTG? Why couldnt it have been Gumball? Gumball has sooo many side characters which could lead to sooo many figures.

My favorite dad from video games is Brendans dad in Pokemon R&S. because he tells you a lot of stuff about pokemon. about come spar with him when your stronger. THEN LATER IN THE GAME YOU KICK HIS ASS AND CRUSH HIS DREAMS.

Id cast my vote for BRAWL IN THE FAMI-oh wait that died. uhh. Camp Weedonwantc- oh wait thats not gaming related

20/10 i fully support this

Finally. i can murder Donald without going to prison!

Holy firetruck i need that Umbreon and all the Yoshis.

God tier - Krave, Golden Crisp,

In the first one. that poor. poor HexBug.

Cant wait to be a dildo.