
On the other hand, the political unit of Israel, as distinguished from the religious and ethnic group of Jews, has routinely committed acts that we have called terrorism when it’s been Iraq or North Korea or China or Russia. It’s not anti-Semitic to point out that this political unit has deliberately targeted civilian

“they’re going to take my money” happens literally all the time. I mean, come on, are you so ignorant of history that you don’t know about the bank run in 1929? The number of people who lost literally everything they had in the bank because the bank just up and CLOSED, and there was no FDIC yet? Hell, just the fact

No, no. The First Amendment matters, too. But only when bigots and racists are told to shut up with their nasty bullsh*

Because it's applied disproportionately against people of color and lower income people, Republicans love it.

There’s also the fact that some ungodly large portion of the cash in this country is contaminated with cocaine just from proximity at some point in its travels, so a dog hitting on cash is really only evidence that it’s cash

So in other words, he wasn’t sorry for what he said, he was sorry there were consequences, and when a meaningless apology that was mostly whining that there were consequences didn’t make the consequences go away, he’s not sorry anymore.

I’d say it’s problematic because whatever he does after the fact, it’s pretty unlikely the women know he’s going to move on to the next conquest BEFORE they get pregnant. Most serial impregnators play the “Of course I love you baby” game.

....what he’s doing is making it All Her Fault; he’s “not responsible,” SHE “decided.” Because it’s 90% of the work on her, but he’s 50% responsible for the formation of the blastocyst.

He’s not factually correct and neither are you, because you’re both ignoring that 1. There’s far more to the world than just Europe and Africa, and 2. The state of marriage with regards to polygamy vs. monogamy has fluctuated across every continent over time.

....dude don’t really know shit about the history of marriage OUTSIDE of Europe, clearly, since in both China and Japan that I’ve seen documentation of personally, monogamy has been required of the WOMEN, at least, and it’s been about, you guessed it, PROPERTY. I’d be willing to bet, based on my own knowledge of world

...your school claimed it was “too advanced” but middle school is exactly when I was taught it, book and movie both. Then again, standards seem to have been lowered since I was in school; A Wrinkle in Time was another book I was taught in middle school that is now considered “too advanced.”

So it looks more like what it is now, that's all.  Icke is....APTLY NAMED, after all.  Saying he's not antisemitic is like saying the KKK isn't racist.  You almost have to be antisemitic yourself in order to think he's not.  And this is coming from someone who very much thinks that the secular political entiry of

Amy. Darling. Bless your lil heart, you had the CHOICE to actually OBEY THE GODDAMN LAW amd keep your dog on a leash in the first place. You atarted out wrong, and you just keep strolling down the rosey path to Perdition, darling.

Actually, meth can be slipped into a drink fairly easily. In particular, crushed Adderall can be slipped into a drink, dissolves, and doesn’t particularly affect the taste. It also shows up in your system as amphetamines, because... that’s what it IS. A more specific test can distinguish between amphetamine,

Similarly, I am related to a goodly chunk of western Nort Carolina, probably some into Tennessee, and grew up visiting my grandmother and other family down their regularly.  I'm not ashamed of that heritage, nor of General Lee's battle flag--but I ain't proud of it, either.  I outgrew the childish myth of "States'

Yeah, I had Issue with that, too. Even if the coroner cleaned the body after autopsy, why wasn't this stuff noted IN the autopsy?  It's one of the first things a COMPETENT coroner looks for with a gunshot case!

My father is both racist and abusive, and I never thought twice about inviting just about anyone I wanted over, because he almost always reined it in and behaved himself in person. He’s even had the gall to say “there’s Blacks and then there’s n****.” -.- I am INCREDIBLY glad I don’t live with him anymore, but if this

Well, see, there’s this thing where if I use soap too often, my skin breaks into open sores. If you think a little honest sweat and skin oil is dirtier than an infected wound, I invite you to Google “boils and carbuncles.”

Technically, this would in fact fall under the aegis of CRT.  It's just that SOME of us recognize that CRT is absolutely legitimate, and others want to whine and pretend they're "being oppressed" by having 100% truth thrown in their faces.

Srs, how long before "Birth of a Nation" gets made into required classroom viewing in Texas?