
Judging by the statistics quoted in the article, only 19% of men are mature by that definition.  Which, honestly, seems to track pretty well.

Being a hitchiker is what got HitchBot done. All hitchikers are serial killers, to Philthydelphans. (I live just an hour south of there and we have SO MANY evil hitchiker stories, OMG)

...just so you know, there were at least a few of us whose basically immediate reaction was, “....and this is what we get for playing shitty political games and inducing insurrections in the Middle East...”  America as a whole, not so much, but some of us.  Like, we'd been funding, training, AND arming the terrorist

Gender is a bit more complicated than “just a construct.” And it’s DEFINITELY not something you actively “choose.” It is a core part of your identity, that remains relatively stable for your entire lifetime—even genderfluid people don’t just suddenly stop being fluid one day. It can take a long time to understand what

... I'm honestly going with "media exposure" as driving her sudden interest and "I can't stand to be told that my ideas of what is aren't carved in stone facts" as the reason for her passionate wrongness and fucking nosiness.

“Set genders” will never “be a thing that gets side eyed,” honestly, because gender tends to be relatively stable across a lifetime—even, as contradictory as it sounds, being genderfluid. You don’t just randomly STOP being genderfluid one day; you stay fluid your whole life.

And yet, when I read the HP books as they first came out, I could see the massive flaws from the first—but trying to critique the books at the time wasn’t worth the VICIOUS nastiness from the die-hard fans. Like... it’s not PRETENDING when the books were NEVER as good as they were hyped up to be.  It's just finally

I would like to add that role-playing also helps you to respond better in real-life emergencies, because role-playing games allow you to explore scenarios you don't want to encounter in the real world. I mean, yes, there's fighting dragons and so forth—but I was thinking about things like what to do in a town

I know that you can adjust your sleep schedule as long as it's consistent—it doesn't have to be the same time every day, it just has to be a consistent cycle. For instance, when I was driving a school bus, I would wake up every day at 4 am, except Saturday and Sunday, and be awake until about 11 am before "naptime,"