
Warning, it has one of the most bizarre control schemes known to man. I actually still have the CD's for No Regret and No Remorse. Very cool games, I beat them eons ago. I recently sat down and tried to play it again and wondered to myself how in the hell I dealt with the controls.

heh, and most new money these days are geeks/nerds who made bank on software/tech.

Unless they had one for each day of the month, because...because.

Hmmm, the Destiny weapons loadout screen seems different somehow?

I get that it's only a trailer, but I'm really not getting a "Walker and Pilgrim" vibe from those two. With Walker spouting profanity and punching things, it almost seems like they've reversed the personalities of the two characters. Deena is usually the hot-headed one, and Walker is the calm, unflappable one.


I hate to say it, but that does not look like Harrison Ford.

Correct, this is the official review. We waited until today to be sure we could be as thorough as possible.

Holy crap. This is an amazingly in depth review of the game compared to some of the other reviews of destiny I have seen.

Why is it obnoxious? If it's helpful, isn't that what should matter?

Now playing

Except kids like that stuff. I know I did.

They're tall, rich and hot, what more do women want in a marriage? It's not like most of the older Princes actually have personalities at all.

Actually - I think that that if Spider Man had been drawn in a similar pose to Spider Woman's, it would have looked something like this.

This whole controversy is bullshit

My Facebook feed would suggest that lack of anonymity isn't the only solution.

It's interesting, it seems people clamor for characters with flaws when they're observing, but put them in control of said character and suddenly they want them to be a perfect idealized fantasy of themselves. I guess that actually kinda makes sense.

I basically felt that Kirk had just been watching Anita Sarkeesians latest video and felt compelled to echo her thoughts. I mean he came just short of quoting her in some places and even managed to bring up the topic of the latest video.

Exactly. I kept thinking to myself, "What does this guy expect?" while reading this terrible review. You think Fetch comes off as a moron with poor decision making skills? You know who else does? Homeless drug addicts. You think it's cliché that this sleazy criminal continuously hits on her? Might want to venture out

It cuts a ton from the manga to fit all the way up to the Aogiri Tree arc into 12 episodes. It's alright and you'd probably enjoy it if you go into it with that in mind.