
*Internet performs “Appraise Sexiness”

You people are ridiculous.

It isn’t all old folks guys. People of all ages like information that conforms to their personal list of bias.

I don’t have to because it’s a lot easier to ask someone how they think a 32mm tall piece of plastic with big tits is going to negatively impact the female population of Earth? Then I can direct them to the KDM comments section so that they may interview the many female fans about their obvious self loathing and

You’re standing here calling a board game immature. Because you have no interest in it.

Criticism actually has a point.

Lighten up Francis it’s just a miniature. Dark Fantasy is a genre that doesn’t mesh well with the current climate of “I don’t like it so I’m going to tell you why you’re a piece of shit in under 140 characters” interpersonal relations.

The draw of this game is the deep gameplay and the opposing aesthetic of ecchi anime and brutal horror. It’s not for everyone. It’s not for most people. Most people would not want to play a board game for hundreds of hours. Then play it again differently.

I see the joke you’re trying to make, but the truth is that there was a healthy bootleg anime market in the US at this time. Healthier than the legit market unfortunately.

Actually, I’ll make this even simpler because I think it’s the gender politics that are getting in the way of showing why the cake was creepy, but smashing it was a pure dick move.

You’re the only one that thinks that way!

No. She smashed some guys birthday cake. That’s all she did. matter how shitty a woman might be, how impolite, how rude, we aren’t expected to meekly ask them to stop as well?

It’s sad that you don’t see how much you have in common with the oppressive Christian groups you hate. You zealously force your ideals on others without guilt. You might as well be calling someone that disgrees with you a devil as you would a misogynist.

“Hey...uhh...that’s my cake bro. You realize that it would have been the same result if you’d just let people eat it right? It’d be out of sight. I mean...instead of violently punching it and then running to Twitter.”

Your life is really empty isn’t it?

It wasn’t shitty and rude to smash a birthday cake someone’s wife made for them, post pics of it on Twitter, and then make up a story about another cake that’s “worse, but no one can actually confirm it existed...still they will not silence me”?

Not a huge fan of the imposed 0-1 character limit in Quickplay.

Here’s a fun fact:

DNC chairman exposed as Clinton supporter actively poisoning the party against her opponent...resigns and is immediately hired by the Clinton campaign.