
It’s sad that you don’t see how much you have in common with the oppressive Christian groups you hate. You zealously force your ideals on others without guilt. You might as well be calling someone that disgrees with you a devil as you would a misogynist.

“Hey...uhh...that’s my cake bro. You realize that it would have been the same result if you’d just let people eat it right? It’d be out of sight. I mean...instead of violently punching it and then running to Twitter.”

Your life is really empty isn’t it?

It wasn’t shitty and rude to smash a birthday cake someone’s wife made for them, post pics of it on Twitter, and then make up a story about another cake that’s “worse, but no one can actually confirm it existed...still they will not silence me”?

Not a huge fan of the imposed 0-1 character limit in Quickplay.

Here’s a fun fact:

DNC chairman exposed as Clinton supporter actively poisoning the party against her opponent...resigns and is immediately hired by the Clinton campaign.

Keep telling yourself that. Two wrongs don’t make a right and yet here we are...acting like voting for this devil is better than that devil.

Nintendo made mad bank on the Wii(unjustifiably built on pure media hype) and its convinced them that they need a gimmick.

It’s a legal codex. Used in tournaments and where ever men play with toys.

It’s really impressive how something so shallow as a navel can require so much time for certain people to gaze in too.

If the child predator only abuses male children then...yeah...they’re gay.

If they ever do Battlefield 0.01 I will fully accept a guy on a horse outscoring everyone else in the match.

I thought Evil Ernie, but I can see where you’re coming from too.

Why isn’t School Days on this list?

Only a stupid person would form an opinion about someone else’s intelligence based on off handed comments made on a blog.


Uh huh...I think you’d struggle to point out any part of my post that fits the above criteria, but if it helps you sleep at night then please. Continue hugging that delusion as tightly as you can or it might float away. Like your sanity must have years ago.


That’s like saying drinking water out of a hose is better than a fountain because you get more water. Very little of that water is actually going into your mouth.