
I think we’re talking about two different things.

So the totality of a person’s life amounts to nothing because they end up shitting their pants and drooling before checking out?

Frank Miller created Ronin, 300, Martha Washington’s stories, Sin City, DKRs, The Man Without Fear version of Daredevil etc etc etc

It’s my understanding that all of the “human looking aliens” are just humans that are descended from our core race, but have evolved or been engineered over time in their own environments. Creating branching traits.

You do realize that your post responding to me is longer than mine was to him? Who’s making a big deal over what now, Captain Capslock?

The irony of your post is cloying. The fact that you got so mad about what I said is rather sad.

Neat. You can glitch. I bet that makes the game so enjoyable...

Way to miss his point and turn it into a “white male” issue. I love you guys. Social justice is a hell of a drug.

I’m OK with this.

Fallout 4 or How I Learned to love the Hoard.

The author has a problem with last words.

He left a lot out. Like why the MC is doing that. Someone on the internet successfully Jedi mind tricked you away from a comic by describing something that lasted, maybe, three pages?

Gamergate was the best thing to happen to Ms Quinn. Without it she’d just be a developer that made a game that very very very few people played or even heard about.

Sorry, but that paint job is kind of bad...especially the silver. It looks like someone spent two minutes dry brushing it.

Space: Above and Beyond. It wasn’t mind blowing, but it was solid and gritty sci fi set during a WWII-esque war with an alien race. It was the Battlestar Galactica remake before Battlestar Galactica with less sex and pseudo mysticism. They even had genetically engineered soldiers and human replicant androids...

Iron Blooded Orphans and The Perfect Insider are pretty decent so far. The latest installment of the Monogatari series is slow, but I expect good things as always by the end. I’d rate those above those two wastes of air time. Still below OPM though.

Needs more Metal Bat.

I just want Marvel to quit treating Cyclops like their whipping boy. He’s their archetypical leader. Really...who’s got more command and battle experience than him? Captain America? Cap gets reverence. Cyclops gets called a douche and marginalized as, first, a goody good boy scout and now a paranoid madman.

I loved Warren Ellis’ “mutant shaman” take on the character. It solved the “too powerful to exist in continuity” problem by keeping him separate and above everyone else. He cared about mutants...individual mutants not so much.

Sony Brass #1: Quick! People are figuring out that our Golds are cheaply made and overpriced. What do we do?