
The art usually depicts him with a chainsword and bolt pistol, but he uses a power sword and las pistol in most of the books.

Because only good people can think of themselves as evil?

“His move should motivate others to create a supplement or competitive treatment that is affordable. Making him drop his prices again.”

RIP Stormwatch

Never said it was terrible. In fact, I defended it at release and played for a solid six months. Then I was done because it stopped being fun.

I’m sorry, but do you really think a company that flaunts copyright owned by one of the largest corporate entities on Earth gives half a shit about your delicate gender sensibilities?

Consoles? PS4?

Destiny: the game that keeps fooling people into thinking it’s ten year old gameplay philosophy is relevant.

Zombicide. From friends to complete strangers, I’ve never had someone play it and not have fun.

Not going to lie. This is kind of gross.

Hana-chan best girl.

You guys...really need to get over this game.

I’m not sure if you’re aware, but your entire post reads like an immature and bitter Facebook rant. Maybe you should analyze why you’re so buttmad about what other people think and do with their toys?

“So you pretty much proved that everyone’s the hero of their own story. You think you’re justified in calling some woman you don’t know at all a “trophy wife cum dumpster”?

Except for the whole...not the right hair color thing.

It’s about money!

The main difference between Destiny and Warframe is that Warframe ADMITS its been in Beta all this time.

If you’re too frightened by what might happen on a train them I’m surprised you’re not equally afraid of alien paratroopers lifting off from one of said meteors and coming to get you. Stay home and watch TV.

Hardy as Lono is kind of close to what he already did in Bronson.

It’s a pulp crime noir with a conspiracy backdrop that slowly reveals itself. Pretty grounded until characters like Cole or Wylie Times put their suits on and cut loose.