
Your examples are mostly the Big Five. AKA the most popular manga/anime in existence today. While AoT is surely very popular it is not in the same league as One Piece or Naruto. Also, manga like One Piece are published on a weekly basis so they have more material that allows them to keep animating.

“Now think about that. A new episode would come out eachweek. Manga chapters come out each month.”

What does anything you said have to do with the OP thinking the wires from their 3D gear were bad effects left in the film? Get a grip.

I guess you don’t know what “Spoilers” mean? It means stop reading if you don’t want to see Spoilers. Did you just get a computer?

A simple google search could have cleared this up for you. Yes, they from object to object by shooting grappling hooks attached to cables from those bulky packs on their hips.

Given what we learn in the Rod Reiss arc the fact that all of the actors are Japanese makes even less sense here.

Can...can that even be smoked? I’d be afraid of a mouth appearing and eating me. Like a Venus fly trap for stoners.

Considering the stupid shit you’re saying I’d rather not argue anything with you. When you can’t even reconcile what you’re saying with what you think you’re saying its really better that you never came out of your cave.


Did you see the trailer where they actually call them “the worst of the worst”?

Yeah. The guy in the purple suit that won’t touch an item unless it’s color matched to his skin, clothes, and hair clearly doesn’t care how he looks...

You must be new if you think the clause was fair before Obsidian turned in their game, but not after.

They didn’t get a contractually agreed upon bonus when they didn’t meet the clause? The devil you say?!?

True Detective is a slowburn noir. They’re feeding us details as the investigation unfolds. This reads like you thought the first season was a non stop thrill ride.

The world didn’t get a bit darker son. Your head just slipped a little bit farther up your own ass today.

It felt like Bungie really wanted an epic sci Fi tone, but copped out a third of the way through and opted for a soulless shell of a story propped up by a solid FPS backbone. Ehh...they made some money and people are still talking about it months later.

You can feel free to ignore my opinion, but 3 was not a bad movie.(aside from the treatment of Hicks and Newt) It just had tough acts to follow. The Director’s Cut was my preferred version.

If I were MS, I’m clearly not, I’d tell Nippon its just not worth it.

Tell that to the Monguls. about that Season Pass model?