
Using both of your logic, no they shouldn't. Since they likely crossed the land bridge. America shouldn't be represented by anything, but pictures of extinct species.

No. They had Multiplayer Heists in the trailers pre-release. GTFO fanboy.

"Better late than never"

Wait...your mom went out with your dad because she wanted to meet his roommate and the lesson you're walking away with is that your dad is the skeevy one?!

Uh do know what "random" means right?


Pretty liberal use of the word "misogynist." I doubt anyone playing a female character in a fighting game is doing it because they hate women.

Did all the people complaining about the fact that these are all recent characters gloss over where it was disclosed that 74% of the voters were 20 or under?

Does it burn you inside?

I'm going to have to ask Ms Sarkeesian to make her audience in this lecture at least 50% female. More if possible.

I'm seeing a lot of this and that while only one comment actually talks about the game that should be at the center of this story.

All this discussion is good and all, but...

Could be worse.

"My friends and I do actual fun things together rather than shoot the same enemies over and over and over."

I'm going to ignore all the superfluous assumptions you're making about me and spell this shit out for you.

CFRSo the bitter asshole telling other people to "check their privilege" and can't form a single civil sentence feels that I should give a single fuck what he wants or thinks?

"But I would be WAY more stoked if an established character was updated to a different race/gender as an established character carries much more weight. "

Opinion Man is here to save the day! Faster than a speeding ad hominem. Able to leap logic in a single comment.

No one ever gives Miguel O'Hara props. First biracial Spiderman right here folks.

It must be very convenient for you to push your own agenda while calling out anyone that's spent most of their lives loving Peter Parker as backwards thinking or racist for opposing his replacement or *ahem* death.