
But...its an all female cast. Your perfectly rational argument fails utterly in the face of your obvious misogyny.

There'd be no problem with a group of women banding together to fight the paranormal. In fact, there are quite a IPs that are exactly that.

you do realize how badly you contradicted yourself in this post don't you?

Congrats Sony Pictures on avoiding the fan backlash over cutting the original cast out of the process entirely by turning them against each other with a BS gender wars fabrication.

Funny. What does males rights have to do with this?

You're the one incapable of expressing himself without pictures you google image searched. I find you funny...but not for the reasons you hoped.

The only joke here is played entirely on the dignity of our species.

Let the man enjoy the things he likes. It doesn't hurt or threaten your existence on this planet in any way.

I would think the prevalence of derision directed at what the A Class nerds refer to as "bros," "brogames," or "dudebros" would dispel any myths you might have had about the inherent kindness of habitual victims.

I see where you're coming from as far as the anime goes, but its a less jarring transition in the manga. Granted, the harem aspect is totally unnecessary. The rest of the anime tropes you're disappointed in are spread out over like 60 chapters. The festival happens once in the beginning...mainly to show that not

The Last of Us Remastered. And Warframe. My addiction is strong with Warframe.

do you read Harbinger and Eternal Warrior too?

Or, you know, they could do something realistic that doesnt demand they uppend their entire lives.

My XBL friends list is composed primarily of people I met in Rainbow Six, COD: MW, Mass Effect, and Left 4 Dead. See a trend?

My feelings exactly.

A). Its Sony's service.

This is a mixed bag for me. On one hand, the pricing structure is insane. Like, the guy next to you on the train eating his own shit insane. My first impulse is to not support it until Sony works out that people won't pay $60 for a rental.

Not very far because...Spoilers...

It might have already been said, but it's actually not that rare in Japan for teenagers to have their own apartments paid for by their parents. Some have parents that work outside of the country. Some go to high schools that aren't near their parents' homes. Japanese HS's are three years I believe and many have to

Fair enough. I'm up to 43 of the manga, but I've only seen three episodes of the anime.