
My XBL friends list is composed primarily of people I met in Rainbow Six, COD: MW, Mass Effect, and Left 4 Dead. See a trend?

My feelings exactly.

A). Its Sony's service.

This is a mixed bag for me. On one hand, the pricing structure is insane. Like, the guy next to you on the train eating his own shit insane. My first impulse is to not support it until Sony works out that people won't pay $60 for a rental.

Not very far because...Spoilers...

It might have already been said, but it's actually not that rare in Japan for teenagers to have their own apartments paid for by their parents. Some have parents that work outside of the country. Some go to high schools that aren't near their parents' homes. Japanese HS's are three years I believe and many have to

Fair enough. I'm up to 43 of the manga, but I've only seen three episodes of the anime.

Whether you're paying six bucks for a meal or six bucks for coffee you're losing a part of yourself to the abyss. You looked for too long and now it has rape eyes only for you.

I like the ending where SPOILERS he ignores the HS girl that hooks him up with his weapons, ditches his long time friend/girlfriend(the same age)because she turns into a vigilante and then rides off into the sunset with his lolipet. Yeah...totally not a lolicon series guys!

It's not a harem despite at least four separate lolis eyeing him up throughout the series?

They got tired of the Third Party Companies eating their lunch huh?

Fair enough. If neither the plot nor the animation appeal to you by, say, episode five then it's clearly not to your tastes.

Everything you're complaining about is eventually explained in the manga. Whether they do another season of the anime depends on its reception i suppose.

Sort of spoilers:

Hah! No worries man. I'm sure there are going to be quite of few other fans of the manga chiming in on this. We did the same thing over on the TAY article for KoS.

I've been waging an internal struggle over whether to buy the model kit or splurge for the Riobot Type 17 Fig.

The original manga artist's style is actually really well represented by this show's animation. Also, most non-Gundam(ie huge money making franchises) mecha anime are opting towards CG. Its cheaper.

She's not actually a bear.

That's true. I just think calling things overrated is pretty overrated when its usually someone actually asking, "does anyone else share my dislike of (left blank)." Guess that's a bit of a nitpick.

Looks like Cell and Devilman had a butt baby. Pass.