

I'm sure she paid extra attention to reinforcing the protection around her spine this time.

Not crying as in tears. Crying as in standing on a box and letting the world know.

Fair enough. If that had been your first post then assholes like me wouldn't chime in. :)

Someone make a mash up shirt of Sunbro and Led Zeppelin's swan song label Apollo logo stat! My wallet awaits.

Considering we were all playing 720p on our 1080p TVs for years I welcome incremental improvements.

Odd that you seem to care enough to give your impressions, but not enough to actually try it. Tread on, Internet Man. The mark you leave on this world will endure until all are dust and memory.

and yet here you were crying, "look at me and my PC." Don't be one those guys please.

Your ilk's cry for relevancy in every single console story is really sad. Master race indeed. A master race wouldn't need a hash tag or the incessant need to tell everyone they exist.


You better have her prepped to play some games too. If you're on a PS4/XB1 and you're able to have some time to yourself you might even want to ask her to stream it for you on Twitch so you can give her directions on what to do.(assuming she's a non-gamer, if she is then nvmd that)

Going by the Iron Banner events which were the only other timed events they've done during the Beta it is for a limited time frame and then reverts back to the vanilla beta. Who knows though? Best to be safe and be on time if you're able.

To each his own man. I'll take practical effects over CGI any day of the week. A well executed mix of both is even better.

Can I just interject how fruitless an endeavor it is to imagine "realistic" bipedal mutated turtles?

You take that back!

Hot Toys are not for your nephew. They're for 18-40 year olds with well paying jobs and/or no impulse control. You will never find one in a Salvation Army because most of them will sell for nearly their original price on eBay years after release.

I feel like valkyries are singing to me from those beautiful Bungie clouds every time I log in and sweep the ruined battlescape. Purge the Xenos!

I clearly see two rounded areas well suited for deflection on that breastplate.

Story about Thor possibly being considered a princess overshadows a woman that lead the X-Men and used to be Queen.

See now that 5% makes the other 95% totally worth it for me, but I can definitely see how other folks might not share that opinion.