
Robotech: Battle cry was a simple, but fun game. Ps2/Xbox era.

You don't think very hard about what you say do you?

I look forward to buying most of these at a deep discount months after they release.

All the rural Chinese and Indian women making up the bulk of that population figure are furiously downloading porn as we speak...

I'm just happy to hear a Japanese developer is supporting the PS4. I was afraid they'd resigned themselves to milking the established PS3/Vita market in their backyard. Of course, I might eat my words if they follow precedent and fail to make it a wide release.

Hi. I have crohn's disease. I've been self medicating with pot for around 14 years now. Fourteen years of hearing doctors tell me how "lucky" I am that I haven't had to go into any surgeries while 16 year old kids who've barely had Crohn's for a couple years are missing yards of their intestines.

I have a crazy idea.

Have at it shrill internet crusaders.

May the Universal Overmind have mercy on your wretched RAM.

Would sexual preference really even play much of a part for people that think of their bodies as leased cars? I always figured she just cyber banged anyone that caught her interest.

Well...that got preachy really fucking fast.

Don't be silly.

Its political agenda or lack there of are all means to an end.

You think this looks bad? Check out the action figures sometime. Who the fuck would want to look at those abominations on their shelf every day? Even the children they were made for should be horrified.

Did you see Iron Man 3?

Someone contact the SOS Brigade!

Short hair is justice!

Think I need a shower after peeking inside an EA suit's head.

I don't know how old you are. Zakus are pretty much omnipresent in any of the timelines that I've personally seen.

I would be down with a time delay for Alien Isolation. Although, most people wouldn't. I am a bit of a masochist and I define my victories by my defeats. Games like Dark Souls prove that there is a masochist market in this industry. From Software can't be the only ones to smack the shit out of it.