
Its hard to explain. If I were to use a movie analogy...hmm...Borderlands would be Space Balls and Destiny would be Blade Runner.

It was either this Beta or the Destiny Alpha. I went with Destiny. I think I made the right choice.

I would guess that its going to represent his atomic breath.

I guess it's time to start burning my books...

"Write her like you would a male character"

51% of the population doesn't give a hot steaming shit if female characters are represented in video games. Likewise, 49% of gamers are women? 49% of what number exactly?

Hell yeah nerds! Use stereotypes and least common denominator judgements to put down your peers.

Hell yeah! Down with the unions. The guv'ment gives me all the rights I need and not a single one more.

Kind of ridiculous. Whether its 3000 years into the past or 3000 years into the future people are still getting married and promptly divorced huh?

History has a nasty way of leaving blood and semen stains in every corner of the Earth. Please point out the Polish bases currently keeping German military power in check.

An American soldier occupying your country for half a century...bad.

By your logic someone that happens to be a racist getting stabbed during a robbery isn't a victim either. Interesting. So...the police should be fired?

He was attempting to make a larger point while using a timely issue for reference.

Absolute dominion over time and space. Until Kotaku supplies this I will continue to ineffectually criticize their free content.

Yeah...but what would I have done with the other minute and a half? I'm not a machine.

Can we get something in future titles warning that what we're about to read is just a Twitter repost?

You're a funny guy.

You'll also have several thousand people immediately dismiss your product based on early test footage never intended for public viewing.

When they came for the revealing suits of armor, I looked the other way.

Dark flame master says, "hohohohoho, I like big butts and I cannot lie."