
Cosplay seems like a lot of effort just to supply random people on the internet with judgment boners.

I'm guessing he made a mistake when posting considering they both amount to the same sentiment.

Mmm...they're ten feet tall, nearly 400 lbs on average, more durable physiology, and four times as strong as a human.

I have to disagree with you on the whole leadership role unless that's a theme they recently went with in the Prime iteration.

Don't feel bad. That title is some seriously irresponsible click bait.

I'd say so given the context. The prehensile mechdendrite above her butt was probably too hard to pull off.

Spoiler alert: Tyreese gets his head cut off by the Governor.

Have the devs made any further comment on possible PS4/XB1 ports? They outlined some requirements they'd need Sony/MS to meet last fall.

I dont believe the X-Babies were natural mutants. Mojo made them.

I'm not going to say that some of the better smiths weren't able to achieve results like that with high grade materials, but chainmail was primarily designed to combat the slashing weapons that were overcoming gabesons and boiled leather.

I agree. She pretty much IS Menma when she wakes up...SPOILERS....

A long bow firing arrows with bodkin tips will pierce plate armor rather easily. You have no idea what you're talking about. Its getting sad now. This will be my last reply to you.

I can't believe you're still arguing this man.

Hey I said "and/or" in my original response to you with two possible interpretations of your POV. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. You could have easily ignored it or refuted it.

Just go to Youtube. There are people who actually test these sorts of things. As opposed to people like you who just pull shit out of ass on the internet.

If by drop of a hat you mean a comic strip that's been reposted a million times...sure.

You completely missed the point. The first 3/4s of the post were meant to satirize the tone of the strip. The last paragraph was meant to show how absurb both sides of the argument are.

You seem knowledgeable. Then I would assume you know that knights were a small proportion of an army? That their equipment varied greatly. That most participants on a battlefield were lucky to wear more than padded cloth with leather additions.

It's fun to say things like "possible" and "quite likely" isn't it? That way you can say just about anything.