
I hope Sony continues shelling out for the exclusive DLC. I'll actually get to enjoy it this time around.

More negative reaction to breasts on io9 nowadays than a born again evangelical message board.

Congrats Sony. More games please. My PS4 is a glorified Warframe machine nowadays.

And on this day, somewhere, a tumbleweed realized that even it was out of fucks...

Best X-Men storyline ever? Debatable until the end of time.

Lots of colds in this thread. Just Google "true detective stream" I'm sure you'll find something.

Its weird how nonchalantly human beings can imagine divorcing themselves from their past.

"Its disgusting" is a declarative statement. Like that cat is black. we go. The REAL point as opposed to the straw man.

Probably because its a pretty bad one...

Saying that the Xbox and the Xbox 360 didn't have many RPGs is shockingly incorrect.

Man, what is with humanity? Quit working against your best interests just because someone with a nicer car said its a good idea.

Really striking while the iron's hot here, huh Hollywood?

Hell yeah titties yo!

Thats a loaded question right there. Are any instant noodles "good"? The answer is no.

You might call me wacky here, but you realize Morrison had influences of his own right? He's pretty up front with it. The Invisibles is practically a philosophers 101 diary.

I didn't make a subjective statement. A decent PC will be more powerful than any of the three current gen consoles. It makes the toxic fanboy interactions weird. Brand loyalty is weird.

Play what you want. I just think its silly to argue with other people as if matters. The arguments are circular and subjective. You're even speaking in absolutes yourself. I mean, its complete bullshit, but it's the same echo chamber bullshit you always see online with the nouns arranged to taste.

Read your first sentence again. I'm sure you'll see some irony in there if you think about it.

Man fanboys...did these arguments settle anything last gen? No? Its just pathetic tribalism? Ok...