
I've also had first hand experiences with how shoddy EA's server quality is for games outside of BF so I'm not going to dispute that.

Read further down in the comments. You'll see that I didn't read the last paragraph so, in my ignorance, it appeared that they were the ones writing off the laundry list of problems their peers were subjected too.

I did actually...right where I said I was glad for the people that lucked into a working product.

Ooh now that's a tough one man. I think thats a agree-to-disagree type situation. Or maybe a little of A and a little of B? I blame DICE for most of BF's problems personally.

The way I see it, try to be the kindest person you can be without sacrificing yourself on an altar of self righteousness.

Man, all these frustrated folks should return their free beta keys for a full refund to really give EA a piece of their mind.

I saw a shit ton of toys from this company pop up on Big Bad Toy store. Licenses that I was amazed to see...some I was honestly confused about. Just about every movie ever put out in the 80's. None of them had photos attached.

Yay...gender wars... Hurray...wee. Remember when you picked up a book back in the day and you didn't have to worry about genitalia?

Think I'll check this out this weekend while the GF sleeps.

Nerds judging nerds. Is there anything more sad?

I cannot express enough how much I'm tired of people using the "its not realistic" argument to mask their puritanical values and gender war grudges.

You should consider it. Very few people want to accept a gift wrapped up in shitfilled diapers.

Not the only one. That said, its a fad. Let them have their fun.

My chosen platform is the 360. I'm in a holding pattern as far as the current gen goes. I don't really like the Xb1 or the PS4. Nor am I entirely sold on building a new PC just to play games.

Agreed. An ex of mine went through NA, but ended up quitting because they would not allow her to participate unless she accepted the existence of God and that only though He/She/It could she be saved. She was told to pray to God to help her quit cold turkey. Now, she was a walking talking human telephone game so you

Read further down. I skipped the last paragraph in the write up above. Didn't edit the original post because its a nice monument to my laziness.

Well damn. Now I feel more than a bit stupid. I did not read the last paragraph. Sorry folks.

What, exactly, do you imagine other people get out of seeing, "works fine for me"?

Please stop with the "works fine for me" comments.

That's actually a relief to hear thanks.