
Even if you weren't wrong being pedantic on the internet is a waste of your limited time in this world.

Manufacturer was the wrong word to use obviously since none of these companies actually manufacture their own products. Sony, Microsoft, and I believe Nintendo all use Foxconn. I was trying to use it as a general term, but I shouldnt have.

Anyone know why the Hulk needs armor? I'm a long lapsed comic reader.

Manufacturers get their money from retailers. Not consumers. By the time a product has reached the shelf in front of you..its already been paid for.

The amount of sales these two companies generated despite very little good content being available is more of statement on the value of hype and the lack of impulse control than anything else.

You've got three links to the same Gizmodo article.

Retailers do not release individual unit sales. Console makers only track units sold to retailers.

Deleted because I need to stop arguing about this on the internet.

1) you see no irony in moaning about the media blaming video games and then turning around and blaming guns?

If you took grizzly bear training classes, kept it locked up, and only took him out to have him attack paper deer I'd have no problem with it.

"Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger."

Where are you getting your numbers from? I agree that the PS4 probably outsold the XB1, but I havent seen Sony release numbers since the second or so week of December at around 2.1 million iirc.

I think it's a mistake to ever try to gloss over or forget Aliens: Colonial Marines. Everyone involved with that piece of shit should carry the stigma with them into oblivion.

My criticism of her was composed of a single sentence. One that was entirely true as I see it. Its ok. I think she'll be able to endure my disapproval.

Not that it really matters, but if you look closer you'll see streaks of gray in his hair too.

Yes. To retailers. Console sales numbers are always based on sales to retailers. Sony would be doing the same thing...if they'd actually made 3 million units to sell to retailers.

I think he'd rather have all that delicious press focus on his fledgling attempt at the console know...instead of a game thats mostly depended on mods and hero worship to stay relevant.

You new to console maker chest beating?

Basic human rights...fucking hilarious. You should show that to some of the African kids that were forced to dig the rare metals for you cell phone and PC out of a scar in the ground. If they could read they'd laugh.

Mmm. I'm not going to argue over her merits, but no...she doesn't have a right to say whatever she wants. Any more than the people she calls out in her attack write ups do. This isn't her personal blog.