
You can't really understand the issues modern healthcare has until you have to wrap your mind around the fact that you're going to die because you don't have enough money.

Dumbest reply yet.

I love how the Sony fanboys can still find a way to talk shit about Microsoft in a thread about broken PS4's.

I'm playing on a console. With sixteen players max per side. There are no "old drivers." Everyone I know that owns the game has the same issues. The battlefield 4 forums are teeming with people with the same problems. This is all info thats readily available to you and yet you're here trying to tell me that everything

I...hmm...I really hope you're trying to make a joke. Because if you're serious then you might be worse off than the previously mentioned homeless people.

I love my dog, but if one of you self righteous assholes smashed my windows because of some moronic notion that my dog was in distress I'd give you something more pressing to be a concerned citizen about. A maglite flashlight to your knee caps.

"It runs almost perfectly smooth now."

Ok there buddy. I'll be sure to not buy the game I already own. I can't believe I didn't think of that. I'm such a fuckhead.

It was revolutionary for its day.

You didn't read the glitches I listed in my post. I'm playing BF4 right now son.

Man, I havent played COD since MW2. Why do you think I'm here complaining about bugs in BF4? Because I love Battlefield.

I'm sorry I called you a moron that wasn't cool.

Its kind of serious when people with half my play time are telling me I'm making shit up when they could easily go to the battlefield 4 forums and see how lucky they are to not have encountered any of these bugs yet.

You will. Remember this moment.

Try playing the game more. You'll see. Remember my name so you can apologize later.

Remember back when things had to actually be good before we celebrated? about that COD: Ghosts huh?

NPR = National Public Radio.

Low-ered Ex-pec-tationsssssss!

Nine years with someone with PTSD, agoraphobia, and regular panic attacks. Anyone that says this is a lot of fuss about nothing or rampant 21st century narcissism can fuck right off.