
I don't have AIDS so I feel it gets blown way out of proportion.

The day that a broken game doesn't make it into the news is the day we should all stop playing video games.

The day that a broken game doesn't make it into the news is the day we should all stop playing video games.

That was DICE's decision to make. Likewise its they're fuck up. Why defend them? Their greed is their downfall. Surprise.

The fact that this happens to every DICE game isn't a defense. Its a mark of shame.

Oddly defensive much? How would you know what sort of animals the writers of this short prefer?

That interview...its so fucking painful to read or watch two people who disagree try to be polite to each other. Even more so when one is trying to claim moral superiority. And if both parties do it?!?! Oh man.

Look no further than Battlefield 4 for that sense of tension you miss. The main character begins and ends nearly every mission by passing out. Man I was glued to my fucking seat wondering how he'd be knocked unconscious next.

No thermometers in Germany?

Next time someone disputes my entirely factual claim that the sky is purple I will proceed to call them a hater. Thanks.

I'd be more amazed if this video had people squading up and joining a fucking game together.

I'd be more amazed if this video had people squading up and joining a fucking game together.

Its a milked franchise. You can't claim a difference just because its YOUR milked franchise.

I like how all the assholes commenting on COD repeat the same stupid stereotypes about COD players. Wonder why? Oh yeah...because Kotaku's populated by ignorant hypocrites that would rather stare at the world through stained glass than leave their comfort zone. Because its the only acceptable form of hate left here.

Carrie is body horror. Its a subgenre that's fallen out of fashion, but as long as women go through "the change" and treat each other like shit in school its still relevant.

Its pretty much universally understood that adults don't call each other names and still have the right to claim professionalism.

What is it with you not being able to speak to someone without acting like a child and resorting to name calling? Get off the internet. Its mad you a shitty person.

What is it with you not being able to speak to someone without acting like a child and resorting to name calling? Get off the internet. Its mad you a shitty person.

I love cognitive disconnect. Its why I occasionally come to Jezebel. The land of bitching about mens' female stereotypes while spouting women's male stereotypes. Broad strokes are so much easier on the wrist right?

You probably would have minded a few hundred years ago. You wouldn't be a modern person. You'd have all of the religious and social hang ups of that era.