
I'm OK with it as long as they continue the trend of reinventing characters. The TT game was comic continuity. At this point, I just want the show to do its own thing. It will forever stand in the comic's shadow IMO.

I imagine this write up is the sort of thing that proud parents would want to show their child to inspire them and make them feel special.

Its a family photo of people dressed as characters from a children's cartoon/game you sick fucks.

I won't appear as cool or refined as the people shitting all over fiction they haven't even seen yet, but allow me to say I'm excited about this.

Its illegal to accept money as a contract for a product or service and then break that contract in order to profit. A preorder is a contract between customer and retailer. The customer pays early with the expressed purpose of securing the product on release day. This breaks that contract. Hence why they're being

Are you really that oblivious or are you an employee of said retailer?

You don't see what's wrong here because you seem to be unaware of what a "preorder" is.

I have a friends list that's 70+. Five or so have had their characters deleted. Some multiple times. It's a problem. Not 100% repeatable. If it were we could assume they would have spotted it in testing.

It's not a bad film. That said, it took a solid concept and tripped all over it on the third act. It's rare to say you can dislike a film throughout and still walk away satisfied having seen it.

So thick skinned that this person immediately ran to their Twitter security blanket and wrapped themselves up all warm and cozy in their role as a victim?

Remember when people were strong enough to not express every single indignity on the internet?

I did not enjoy this Pilot. It felt like Joss Whedon dusted off an old Buffy/Angel script, made the scoobies into techies, and went back to spending his money.

Invasion's not really the concern here. Occupying a building or buildings, taking hostages, killing hostages, and getting media coverage are their main goals. They can ignore those well protected blades of grass.

"Damn those "booth babes" that are thoroughly compensated for their time. We've long grown past the necessity for their presence at Cons and Trade shows...whoa did you just see that half naked Pikachu?!? Take a picture. Gawker's going to permajizz over the page views this generates!"

Reminds me more of the UNSC capital ship designs.

"The minimum wage is not an acceptable analogy because that has far reaching repercussions that most people are incapable of understanding due to the education required to truly know how money and markets function."

Has Peck ever considered using some of that t-shirt money and massive video game blogger pull to offer to offset the Redskins' team owner's costs for remerchandising one of the oldest teams in the NFL?

So there's no irony inherent in a site the regularly posts anti-firearms tirades stirring up indignation about Fox blaming the actions of a human being on whatever inanimate object they had at hand?

The people who call it the "Xbone" are the same people who replace the "S" in MS with "$".

Cosplayers are attention whores. Period. They love their craft(if its built and not bought), sure, but when they're actually in costume they live to hear, "can I get a picture?"