
They're scum bag bounty hunters. How should they act? Like polite members of society? Ummm...hell, Sackoff's character is probably a scum bag too.

Yes. Because the best way to feature intricately designed costuming is a fast zoom with three to five seconds of actual watchable video before cutting to someone else getting the exact same treatment.

I've found that the best way to judge things is in a vacuum. That way my preconceptions and personal experiences don't have to contend with pesky details like context and intent on the part of the creators.

I wouldn't buy all the snap judgements and bitching based on a trailer found in these comments.

It's all about Lake County. You can have your taxes! :)

It's a little distressing to see so many people ignore the obvious strategy here. This is not a film for Akira fans. This is a film for contemporary movie goers. The majority of which have no idea what Akira is. If all the Akira fans in the world saw this film it'd still bomb.

Never. Most turtles fans just end up asking why there are four Raphaels when they see the original art in color.

Right and wrong are constructs built on fragile foundations that manage to mean something different to every one. Everything is permitted. Get over it.

The Governor, as a character, is wasted on TWD TV show. It really is for the best if they distance themselves from that finale.

So you have twenty people playing your game. Fifteen play for free and give you no money at all. Five of those people spend $300 on a $3 game.

Spoiler Alert:

See now...I'm a bit of a hypocrite as far as it comes to Bethesda. They could ship a turd in a box and I'll probably preorder it.

My post was half tongue in cheek half serious. No one should listen to me in regards to raising their children. I know nothing. :)

You can get a wifi blu ray player with app features for less than 80 USD nowadays.

This game and the subsequent reaction on the internet is mystifying to me. Then again, I don't like Pixar movies and Disney can collectively choke a dick. Maybe I'm biased.

Yes, and when a patch process is long and arduous people complain about that too.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film. I still do. It's a solid twist on the haunted house genre. Not to mention a pretty damn good cast. The third act is the weakest as things come to a head and then suddenly devolve into the troposcope. It did sour the ending a bit, but not enough to ruin the movie in my opinion.

I'm curious whether Max is indeed a white savior or if he's even more subversive and represents the genetic diversity LA will almost assuredly have in 150 years. Think of the orphanage he went too, the friends he kept, and his neighborhood. All obviously Latino. We'll have to wait until the director's commentary I

The problem lies with you and your insistence on believing that your personal experiences, delusional or not, are a valid stand in for facts.

So you're pissed off because some people made poor decisions and a) smoked at work and b) smoked inside of a building that was a place of business?