
So...all this controversy and I don't think I've seen anyone answer this question. What would have been better?

Gawker media has succeeded with you! You've attained ad hominem talking points level ten.

Not personally no. Maybe I approached the game in a different way than you.

Hurray for someone making more money?

I'm not sure you know what overrated means. It isn't an umbrella adjective you can use to describe anything you don't like.

"When you should be thinking "Here's a guy who sees a book with a bad cover and thinks "I should probably read some reviews before deciding if this book is for me""."

A car costs thousands of dollars. This game cost $15.(not even a full retail price) If you don't see the huge difference in investment then ok.

Right now I'm thinking, "here's a guy that just proudly admitted he judges a book by it's cover."

Smart people don't compare cars to video games.

Are...are you really using info you just got today to justify a decision you made months ago? You do realize that these "reactions to the game" and "micro transactions shoe horned in" are facts that you have just received from people who bought the game right?

I'd say the people who tried it have one up on someone that judged it from it's name and summary.

Hmm...I'm looking at the Sandy Hook killings and I'm looking at this:

Can we cut the bullshit here for a sec? A gun did not convince Lanza that he needed to drive down to his former school and shoot people. Neither did video games.

Maybe you should reread what I said...and then reread what you said. Because you're clearly confused over which one of us sounds insane here. Oh and stupid.

I can't think of a better description for what occurred in this specific thread. It was totally random.

Where did I say I was offended son?

My feelings on this issue are cloudy. I'm leaning towards believing that rape was included, or at least implied, in FC3 because of the themes that run throughout the game that were already covered well enough in the story above. Losing innocence, falling into savagery, and coming out transformed in the end.

One does not simply smoke up and then blog.

Needs more Scarlett...maybe some Jinx. Definitely some Firefly.

I see this story has attracted a real classy crowd...nice.